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Article · Dec 4, 2017

Bloomberg Podcast: What can businesses do when a hack ruins the trust?

Find out why consumers are rethinking their relationship with data in the wake of the Equifax data breach.

Color illustration of a sick computer, with screen displaying a frowny face.

The recent and massive Equifax data breach has changed the conversation around how people secure personal data, according to Carbonite Chief Evangelist Norman Guadagno.

“It is an opportunity for consumers to realize that the institutions that they trusted with their most personal data may not have been so trustworthy at all,” said Guadagno, the featured guest on a recent Bloomberg Markets podcast. “Everyone has been hacked. You may just not know it yet.”

Guadagno also underscored the vital role that companies have in treating data as an important business asset, making sure it is secure and preparing for malicious hackers and natural disasters.

“Every business is a target of malicious hackers,” Guadagno said. “Some businesses have not realized the value of their data, and some have failed to realize the sophistication of the criminal element out there trying to get that data.” 

Listen to the podcast to get Guadagno’s insights on:

• The side effects of the Equifax breach
• Why consumers are rethinking their relationship with their own data
• How to deal with the aftermath of business data breaches

Click on the image below to listen to the podcast now:

Bloomberg Podcast

Learn more about the Equifax data breach today.


Rachel Lim

Social Media Intern

Rachel Lim is a social media intern at Carbonite. She blogs about issues affecting mid-sized businesses and other IT industry happenings.

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