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Article · May 5, 2020

Surprise! Techies are less cyber-secure than average Americans

We all have techies in our lives. You may even be one. They can set up your computer one minute and your smart TV the next. They’re the ones from IT who save the day when your work computer starts to glitch.

color illustration of people talking across U.S.

We all have techies in our lives. You may even be one. They can set up your computer one minute and your smart TV the next. They’re the ones from IT who save the day when your work computer starts to glitch. Whether you’re a techie or an average computer user, you still need to practice good cybersecurity habits. We assumed that techies would score better on cyber security risk index than the rest, but in our recent state-by-state cybersecurity survey, we were proved wrong.

After surveying 10,000 U.S. consumers and conducting more than 200 interviews in each of the 50 states, we gained valuable insights about the behaviors of different groups when it comes to cybersecurity, like backing up data, protecting online identity and using antivirus software. 

As it turns out, average Americans – specifically those who have reached life milestones like a college degree, homeownership or having children – scored higher than “tech-savvy” Americans, who either work in IT or take a personal interest in coding or web design.

Perhaps average Americans – those who even may need a techie to help them set up their smart TV –are more self-aware about their lack of technical know-how. In short, they know what they don’t know, enough to take precautions when it comes to their own cybersecurity. Lack of expertise may lead them to reach out to knowledgeable experts to ensure they are cyber resilient, both at home at in the office.

Overconfidence is kryptonite for the techie. Whether it’s their knowledge of complex cyber-attacks distracting them from day to day cyber hygiene or just the sheer volume of online activities they engage in every day opening up more opportunity for error, techies are more likely to act more risky online, and should make the effort to improve. Cyber resilience is an ongoing process, a mindset to adopt and revisit every day to ensure you’re prepared to bounce back in the event of a cyber incident. The cybercriminals aren’t coasting on autopilot – so you shouldn’t either. 

For a brief overview of the survey, check out this post. Remember, as cyberthieves get better at disguising their methods and collecting huge payoffs, it makes sense to protect your data from being held hostage.


Tyler Moffitt

Tyler Moffitt is a Senior Threat Research Analyst who stays deeply immersed within the world of malware and antimalware. He is focused on improving the customer experience through his work directly with malware samples, creating antimalware intelligence, writing blogs, and testing in-house tools.

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