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Don't risk losing your most important files.

Get cloud backup and learn why more than 1.1 million customers trust Carbonite to automatically back up and restore their data.

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Try Home Backup

For 1-3 computers

Cloud backup for all your irreplaceable files.
Start a FREE 15-day trial today!

Unlimited backup space for computers

Secure, encrypted cloud

Supports all file and photo types

Remote file access from any device

Webroot® computer antivirus available

Award-winning customer support

Windows 7+ | OS X 10.10+

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Try Professional Backup

For servers and up to 25 computers

Seamless backup for your business.
Start a FREE 30-day trial today!

Automatic cloud backup for servers & computers

External hard drive and NAS device backup

Backup for databases and live applications

Bare metal image backup

Easy setup, including free Valet

Award-winning support, 7 days/week

Windows 7+ | OS X 10.10+ | Windows Server 2008+

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