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Article · Aug 1, 2017

The new and improved Carbonite Partner Program

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The Carbonite Partner universe just got a lot bigger thanks to the merging of EVault and DoubleTake with Carbonite home and office data protection solutions. Along with our new solution stack – which includes backup, disaster recovery and high availability powered by EVault and DoubleTake – come equally significant changes to the Carbonite Partner Program. These include a new two-tier framework, revamped Partner incentives, and more robust sales, marketing and technical support, to name a few. But instead of listing what’s new and improved about the program – which you can read about here – I’d like to highlight what we’re doing to ensure we’re putting the Partners we rely on first.

We have many new resources to help you capitalize on opportunities that will come your way as a result of our expanded solutions. Everything you need to know to identify customer pain points and selling opportunities you’ll find in our redesigned Partner Portal (another example of how we’re putting Partners first). This includes thought leadership and sales enablement content specifically designed to target prospects at different stages of the buying cycle. Our content library is now vastly improved, featuring newly published data sheets, white papers, e-books and videos with a premium look and feel.

Change is afoot not just at Carbonite but across the data protection landscape. And we’re proud to be at the forefront of companies delivering reliable solutions for the risks businesses face today. Whether you’re seeking to educate yourself about the current state of data protection or you want a leave-behind for customers as a conversation-starter, we can provide you with helpful content for establishing and addressing customer needs.

With today’s rapid pace of technology innovation, those needs can be multi-faceted. From data access to disaster recovery to information governance, no matter what the objective or subject matter, we’ve analyzed all the angles, commissioned studies and created stories to help you deepen the relationships you have with your customers and the value of the products and services you offer.

As companies increasingly rely on data to fuel growth and stay competitive, it’s becoming increasingly important to deploy protection designed to achieve specific objectives for strengthening IT resiliency. Our revamped portfolio addresses this need with flexible, scalable solutions that also serve to complement the technology solutions you’re already offering.

We hope you’ll take the time to reach out to your channel account manager and learn more. If you’re already a Partner, you’ll hear compelling reasons to increase your engagement. And if you’re not a Partner yet, you’ll find out why you need to become one.


Jon Whitlock

Vice President, Channel Sales and Marketing

Jon Whitlock is Vice President, Channel Sales and Marketing

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